Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas has come and gone.

Well, it's all over. We all get so excited before it's here, then all of a sudden it's here, then gone in a blink. I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas, our's on the Ridge was just fabulous! Between new clothes for me, cool electronic stuff for D~ to new video games for d~ it was great all around.

I do have before and after pics of the living room but I'll have to post them next time. I do however, have a pic of the snow we were getting this morning. It was beautiful. We were wishing for a lot more so we could all stay home, but no such luck. This is the first shot with my new camera! D~ is very good to me, he has a new camera too.

With the new camera I'll be able to post more of what I have on the needles and on the wheel.

I truly wish that everyone have a very safe New Years!

1 comment:

msubulldog said...

Hey! Congrats on the new blog! :) Thanks for your helpful comments on my new wheel. I would have never expected the gift in a million years--and probably would never have bought one myself--but I'm so excited to have it! Definitely let me know when the next guild meeting is. I need all the help I can get! :)