Monday, May 24, 2010

And Life Goes On

It's Monday--ugh. Sorry I've been off the grid for a long while. I'm back now, spinning and knitting again and that is what's important.

I had completed this shawl while I was away. It was knit with some alpaca yarn the D~ bought me. Got to love a man who brings home yarn (and fiber)!!!The pattern is La La's Simple Shawl off of Ravelry. Very nice pattern, it's one I'll knit up again. Just so you know I have changed my 'name' on Ravelry. It's now QuailKnits. I thought I needed a little upgrade. I like it.

I also finished up a pair of socks for me but haven't gotten around to photograph them yet, soon though.

I'm spinning for the Beautiful Basket Stitchery Jacket from Jackets for Work and Play The Best of Knitter's Magazine. It is the cover jacket. I purchased this wool from a friend of mine. It is from one of her own flock, a black Romney that she dyed purple, blue & green. It is just beautiful! I have a lot to spin up but it is going to be worth it.

I am knitting another pair of socks for myself but no picture yet.

That's all I'm up to. I am knitting something else but I can't talk about that yet -- it's a gift so you'll have to wait.

Have a fabulous week!